Do you supply Number Plates? If so, find out why 5 minutes of your time can save you up to £5,000 in fines!
Within the motor trade, it’s common knowledge that producing and supplying number plates without a Registered Number Plate Supplier (RNPS) registration is an offence and subject to a fine of up to £5000! However, even the most ethical of suppliers may be unwittingly breaking the law and facing fines of up to £1000 if their registration becomes invalid.
There are various reasons for your registration to be no longer valid. The key reasons are if your business has undergone the following changes:
- Change in business name or Company operating the business
- Change of premises or location
- New ownership
- Group or multiple outlet changes
There may well be other reasons but the outcome is the same – if your current business is different in any way from that which was originally registered, the changes must be notified and recorded by the DVLA and the registration details amended.
Remember – the implications relating to your registration being out of date and/or incorrect is that you cannot legally produce and supply number plates.
Bestplate urge all suppliers to check their registration details. You can check your SID details in seconds via the SID check site: or through a quick call to the DVLA on 0300 123 0797. If you’re not registered or your details are incorrect you can resolve the situation on the telephone.
If you wish to check the situation then please check with the DVLA, the website link is: If you are a Bestplate customer, we do need to keep an up to date copy of your Registration Confirmation – V942 Form.
Act now! Just 5 minutes of your time could save you up to £5000 in fines!